Once upon a time...

In order to give you the whole story I can sum it up pretty clearly here.

"Jesus Christ came to save sinners - and I am the worst of them all."

1 Timothy 1:15

Some would say it all started with Toy Story 2.

My siblings and I began to watch Toy Story 2 every single day for what was probably a whole year. Somehow we didn't get sick of it.

I don't know what it was, but every time that VHS booted up I was amped up to relive a story I had grown to adore over so many viewings.

Over time I grew to love most stories I could get my hands on, and I began to write my own stories as well.

There was so much chaos happening around me in my family, friends, and churches, running away to these worlds I would create became a natural escape.

Using LEGOs I created my own Stop-Action Films with a tape recorder and eventually bought my own Nikon to produce further films.

It was clear to me that stories had such a powerful effect on people, and I thought I could use this to my advantage growing up.

To earn fame, riches, and glory.

The fictional worlds I created always fell short to fulfill me, and I crashed and burned violently.

All my personal efforts never came to fruition. I loved helping people capture their stories, so I had to learn quickly that I wasn't suppose to be the hero in these stories.

My perspective shifted off of myself and I became a servant with a camera, I've traveled the US telling people's stories, and God produced a shifting within me I couldn't ignore.

I've had a natural inclination to be a teacher in every realm that I've worked in, and I needed to ask myself "why not teach storytelling?"

Ever since that day I've been on the lookout for anyone who wants to hone their storytelling and to spread light in such a dark world with their stories of redemption just as Jesus would have us to.

That is a glimpse of my story, but I'm curious what is yours?
